Principal Anthony Stevenson and colleague Zach Plum had a recent site visit to review the final installation at the University of Alabama Bryant Denny Stadium field. The Lloyd team has enjoyed working on this project and looking forward to seeing the field in use this coming college football season. #rolltide #alabama #universityofalabama #lloyd #lloydsports #lloydsportsandengineering #lloydengineers #NCAA #SEC #collegefootball #stadium #field #sports #sportsengineering #sportsfield #sportsdesign
Construction is moving quickly within the walls of Bryant-Denny Stadium at the University of Alabama. The new field design provides synthetic turf sidelines to better withstand the heavy traffic experienced on game day allowing UA's field crew more time dedicated to the field of play. The synthetic turf started going down early last week and sod followed shortly behind with installation taking place this week. These photos were taken and provided by Bryant Denny Stadium's Field Crew during and after day 1 of Precision Turf's sod install.
#lloyd #lloydsports #sportsdesign #sportsengineering #sod #turf #stadium #football #NCAA #SEC #Alabama #UniversityofAlabama #BryantDennyStadium #alabama #alabamafootball #bama #rolltideroll #crimsontide #rtr #rolltide #ua #goalabama #tuscaloosa Installation of stolons has started at the City of Mesa's Red Mountain Park expansion project in Mesa, AZ. Lloyd is the sports engineering subconsultant to Dig Studios for this project that will include 10 multi-use natural grass fields and a baseball quad at the existing Red Mountain Park site. Valley Rain Construction is the GC on the project.
#lloyd #lloydsports #lloydengineers #lloydengineering #sports #sportsengineering #sportsdesign #sportsfields #naturalgrassplayfields #parksandrec #parksandrecreation #cityofmesa #digstudios #mesa #arizona #parks #soccer #multiusefields #baseball #softball Many perceive the design of a sports field or facility to be simple, however there are several decisions to be made, that impact the quality, usability, performance, aesthetics, environment, or a sense of place. Landscape Architects are uniquely qualified to design such facilities because it’s not only the field that makes a venue great, but it’s everything else around the field that can make the venue notable. While designing a sports facility, Landscape Architects are looking at the bigger picture of how all the sport specific components will work with the needs of the athletes, visitors, maintenance personnel, facilities operations staff, as well as the site topography, existing circulation patterns, and utility connections. There are sport specific needs that can be less visually appealing or impede pedestrian or vehicular circulation. However, with a little thought, these elements can gently slip into the landscape, while remaining completely functional. Take a look at some of these sports facilities where it’s more than just a field. #thisislandscapearchitecture #landscapearchitecture #sportsengineering #sportsengineers #lloyd #lloydsports #lloydsportsandengineering #lloydengineers #LAM2023 #LAM #landscapearchitecturemonth #projecthighlight #sportsfacilities #athletes #pedestrians #circulation #aesthetics #senseofplace #venues #morethanjustafield Lloyd is in full design mode for Marysville High School Track and Field. The project will replace the existing decomposed granite track with a new all-weather 8 lane track and upgrade the natural grass field. Scheduled for completion in fall 2023 the new facility will be able to host larger track meets and sports events.
#lloyd #lloydsports #lloydengineers #sportsengineering #sportsengineers #highschools #marysville #lindhurst #MJUSD #marysvillehighschool #naturalgrass #trackandfield #design #landscapearchitecture #engineering |
February 2025