Colleague Sam Wise with Lloyd made a recent site visit out to Lindhurst High School to review existing conditions and collect information to aid in completing the site design for the new track & field facility. This new project in Olivehurst, CA, is planned to start construction August of this year. With a busy construction season approaching, the Lloyd design team is working hard to ensure the design meets the schedule and needs of the school and local community. Photos here show some existing storm drainage, irrigation points of connection, and perimeter conditions that the new site will be integrated into. #lloyd #lloydsports #lloydsportsandengineering #lloydengineers #trackandfield #facility #highschool #california #lindhurst #lindhursthighschool #olivehurst #CA #NFHS #track #renovation #californiaschools #design #sports #sportsfield #sportsengineering #sportsdesign #sportsplanning #sportsfacility #highschools #sitevisit #siteinvestigation Yerba Buena High School is a public, four-year high school located in San Jose, CA, and is part of the East Side Union High School District. The Lloyd team is part of a comprehensive Design Build team with Robert A. Bothman for the design and construction of the schools new baseball and softball facility. Check out this photo received this week showing grading operations on the site.
#lloyd #lloydsports #lloydsportsandengineering #sportsengineering #sportsdesign #highschools #ESUHSD #yerbabuenahighschool #yerbabuena #sanjose #CA #california #highschoolsports #softball #baseball #grading #Bothman #Gilbaneco Successful sports and recreation facilities require more than a relatively flat field these days. Multiple sport flexibility, gathering spaces and environmental considerations are all necessary to create places where communities and students can thrive. St. Anthony High School Athletic Complex in Long Beach California is a fine example of putting this into action and is wrapping construction with a fully integrated design approach.
The athletic complex boasts a state of the art track and field and multi-sport stadium with team buildings and training center. However, what sets this project apart are the exceptionally landscaped gathering spaces that are intimately tied to competition and training venues. Additionally, stormwater from the large surface areas are gathered in landscaped retention basins to clean runoff, recharge groundwater and provide a park setting and habitat for birds, birds and wildlife that can be found in the adjacent canals. #thisislandscapearchitecture #landscapearchitecture #sportsengineering #sportsengineers #lloyd #lloydsports #lloydsportsandengineering #lloydengineers #LAM2023 #LAM #landscapearchitecturemonth #projecthighlight #stanthonyhighschool #stanthonysaints #athleticcomplex #longbeach #trackandfield #multisportstadium #trainingcenter #highschools #CAhighschools #california #catholichighschool #longbeachsaints Lloyd is in full design mode for Marysville High School Track and Field. The project will replace the existing decomposed granite track with a new all-weather 8 lane track and upgrade the natural grass field. Scheduled for completion in fall 2023 the new facility will be able to host larger track meets and sports events.
#lloyd #lloydsports #lloydengineers #sportsengineering #sportsengineers #highschools #marysville #lindhurst #MJUSD #marysvillehighschool #naturalgrass #trackandfield #design #landscapearchitecture #engineering Lloyd was part of the design/build team for the San Francisco 49er's Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara California. The project was led by HNTB Architects, and Lloyd provided design services for the stadium football field, field drainage, LEED submittals, and construction documentation. The natural grass turf began construction in 2012 and opened for the 2014 NFL season. The project achieved LEED Gold Certification.
#NFL #SanFrancisco #SanFrancisco49ers #SF #SantaClara #BayArea #LeviStadium #49ers #California #Football #Stadium #LEED #Highperformancefield #lloyd #lloydsports #lloydengineers #lloydsportsandengineering #sportsengineers #sportsengineering |
February 2025