With staff spanning five states and two countries, the Lloyd team still finds ample time to connect with colleagues through projects, but also as an entire firm during various company retreats. This past weekend the Lloyd team came together in Scottsdale, Arizona, to commemorate another year of success and collaboration. Leading up to the retreat, several staff members found time to break away from their computer desks to meet in the field at various sites across the country. From Los Angeles to Tennessee, and in both rain or shine, our team makes every effort to be in the field to make sure our projects are running smoothly.
Photographed: Principal Anthony Stevenson and Zach Plum out on the field for final review; Colleagues Jake Lettieri and Jane Theobald finding shelter from the rain after touring a project with a client; Team members Justin Peterson and Valerie Ahyong attending the grand opening/ribbon cutting event at Arizona Desert Elementary in Tolleson, AZ; And Brett Long touring Patrick Beazley through final punch at St. Anthony's Track & Field Stadium - pictured with the original St. Anthony church bell that survived a 1933 earthquake, and gifted to the school. Center: Lloyd team during a dinner retreat. #lloyd #lloydsports #lloydsportsandengineering #engineering #sportsengineering #civilengineering #landscapearchitecture #sportsdesign #sportsplanning #lloydengineers #lloydengineering #sports #retreat #sitevisits #grandopening #punchwalk #clientmeetings Wishing everyone in the public works industry a very Happy National Public Works Week! And a special shout out to our industry friends in the public works sector who manage, design, program, and maintain our communities and cities.
#publicworks #nationapublicworksweek #apwa #lloyd #lloydsports #lloydsportsandengineering #lloydengineers #localcommunity #buildingcities Arizona Desert Elementary School had their grand opening this past Thursday for the newly completed sports facility expansion and field of dreams on their current K-8 school campus. The event was celebrated with live music by students, local news, students and staff, the local Tolleson community, the Tolleson Elementary School Board, and both the design and construction team representatives. The morning festivities started off with several speeches from board members, staff, and students, followed by a ribbon cutting, and free play and popsicles for the students. The Lloyd team appreciates the opportunity to work alongside a wonderful design and CMAR team with SPS + Architects, Chasse Building Team, and the subcontractors on the projects. Thank you to Tolleson Elementary School District and AZ Desert Elementary for trusting our collaborative team on this amazing project. Our team is excited to have helped bring a wonderful amenity to the local students and community of Tolleson. #lloyd #lloydsports #lloydengineers #sports #K12 #arizonaschools #TESD #ArizonaDesertElementary #sportsfields #sportsdesign #sportsengineering #civilengineering #landscapearchitecture #SPSPlusArchitects #ChasseBuildingTeam #fieldofdreams #tolleson #arizona #Tollesonelementaryschooldistrict #sportsplanning #baseball #softball #soccer A recent site visit by our colleague Jane Theobald to Window Rock placed her between state lines! Very seldom do we have the opportunity to work on a project where we can literally walk from one state to another in a matter of minutes… New Mexico on the left and Arizona is on the right.
#WindowRockHighSchool #WindowRock #WRHS #Arizona #NewMexico #Statelines #Lloyd #lloydsports #lloydsportsandengineering #sitevisit #lloydengineers #sports #sportsfacility #sportsfield #trackandfield #sportsdesign #sportsplanning #highschools #NavajoNation #NavajoNationReservation #ApacheCounty #NortheastArizona |
February 2025