Dan Foley Park, located in Vallejo, California, just wrapped up construction earlier this month! The park’s soccer and softball fields are heavily used by its local community, resulting in Lloyd’s resurfacing study and recommendations indicating that a turf replacement was needed.
This study includes:
Lloyd is excited to recognize the National Society of Professional Engineers and its annual celebration! A huge shout out to our wonderful Sports and Civil Engineers that help make up the Lloyd team. Not to forget, we appreciate our outside partnerships that also provide engineering services on our projects as well!
Not long now until the biggest football event of the year kicks off at Allegiant Stadium 🏈🏟️. We’re proud to have been the engineers for the stadium field and although we will be paying attention to the action on Sunday, we might be paying more attention to the grass!
The stadium field is multi-purpose and allows for three surfaces - natural grass, synthetic turf, and concrete flooring. Sunday’s game will be played on natural grass, which will make its way on a specially designed field tray system from outside the stadium where it is grown & maintained to inside the arena 🌱☀️. 🏆Who will write their name into the blank space of NFL history?🏆 Best of luck to both teams!🤝 #Lloyd #LloydSports #LloydSportsandEngineering #LloydEngineering #SportsEngineering #Sportsdesign #Sportsengineering #engineering #landscapearchitecture #KansasCityChiefs #SanFrancisco49ers #AllegiantStadium #SuperbowlLVII Lloyd is thrilled to celebrate the 38th annual National Girls & Women in Sports Day! 🏃♀️The Women in Sports Foundation, founded by Billie Jean King, will also be celebrating 50 years this year as well! Here’s to celebrating the iconic women who inspire us here at Lloyd and all girls and women who help build the sports industry to what it is today. 🤾♀️
https://youtu.be/e9BHUww85_k MEDIA CREDITS (via YouTube) Australian Open TV, Olympics, Women’s Soccer Stories, FIFA, TODAY, ESPN, NBC Sports, US Open Tennis Championships, ADSN TV, March Madness AUDIO CREDITS TED, Billie Jean King (via Youtube), March of the Bold, BalloonPlanet (via Artlist) 🦺We’re underway at Basha & Casteel High School’s in Chandler, Arizona – transforming the old natural grass field into a new synthetic turf field for football, soccer and many other school uses! 🎓
Getting the subgrade grading and compaction right is crucial to the success of any synthetic turf field. ✔️ A great deal of care is taken to ensure the grading and compaction is just right to help produce the highest quality field for the student athletes. We’re excited to be a part of the process, and look forward to the base and synthetic turf system going in. 📋 |
February 2025